Wednesday, February 5, 2014

21st Century Teaching & Learning

To be a teacher in the 21st century, you have to be equipped with many skills. You have to know the old school ways of teaching, the present techniques, and be prepared for new things to come. From my own experience, I feel very well prepared to teach in the 21st century. The classes I have taken have been very beneficial. I've learned many modern teaching techniques about cooperative learning and similar teaching styles. In the midst of the class, Educational Technology, I am learning to become more equipped with various types of technology in the classroom. This will truly benefit how I teach in the classroom, because technology is becoming a large role in 21st century teaching and learning. 

The skills to be successful in the 21st century should be taught in high schools. Do students graduate from high schools equipped for success using 21st century skills? From my experience, I would say that I graduated high school with most, if not all, the skills necessary to be successful in the 21st century. I can't speak for all high schools, but if students are not learning these skills in high school, where are they going to learn them? High schools should take the responsibility and better equip the young adults of our nation to be competent in all areas of 21st century learning.

Every individual person has strengths and weaknesses when it comes to 21st century teaching and learning skills. My strengths would have to be the core subjects and collaboration. I feel I can come together with others and complete the task successfully. I enjoy working with others, and I feel I can bring good skills to a group. Another one of my strengths is in core subjects. My understanding of core subjects is very strong, and I feel I would be able to teach them in a successful way. Although I have strengths in regards to 21st century teaching and learning, I also have challenges. One of my weaknesses is critical thinking skills. I'm very good at memorizing and then forgetting. When it comes to thinking hard and digging deep in my brain, sometimes I find it difficult. As I continue to work on my 21st century teaching and learning skills, I know that my challenges and fears will slowly fade away.

1 comment:

  1. One of the difficulties for schools in addressing technology instruction is that the topics and skills change so quickly. While a math textbook might be used for seven years, imagine how difficult it would be to teach in a technology class with a curriculum that was seven years old. So, trying to agree on what technology should be taught in schools is not easy.
